Friday, August 31, 2012

And so it begins......


These are just a few of the reasons that I have chosen to finally take the plunge into the world of a blogger.  I have thought about doing this many times, only to be dashed by my pessimistic mind.  Mostly with the thought of, “Why would I think anyone would give two hoots about what I have to say?”  Then it dawned on me.  It’s mostly accountability for me! 

When I say accountability, I am mainly regarding my health.  I am trying to find the balance between living a healthy lifestyle, while at the same time enjoying the world’s pleasurable sins.  Among my favorites are French Fries, Cookies, and Craft Beer.  So, be prepared to follow my downs…….in which I’m referring to weight!!! 

The current plan.  Logging what I eat, attempting to make it through the Couch to 5K workout, while alternating with strength stuff in between.  I will plan on tracking my weight and measurements.  So, we'll see how it goes=)

Tonight's workout......Kettlebell!!!